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End of Life

Saying goodbye and letting go of a family member is a very emotional and heart wrenching decision.  There is not much that can make the decision easier.  However it may help to ease one's grief to view it as a way that can peacefully end the pets' suffering in the comfort of the home environment. It is a way to show and give respect to the life and joy the family member gave us and allow them to pass with peace, compassion, and grace while surrounded by loved ones.

Rustic Beach Path

Should I do this at home?

Home euthanasia avoids the sterile and busy environment of the veterinary hospital.  It prevents the stress of getting your pet into the car, driving to the vet hospital, waiting at the vet office entrance, and more waiting for everything to occur in the room.  All of this can increase the stress and anxiety of the visit for yourself and your loved one.  Home euthanasia can provide a more comfortable and peaceful transition for all family members. 

How it works

The visit starts with finding a comfortable place for everyone involved.  This may be inside the home, on a pet bed or couch, outside on the patio or on a blanket in the grass. Family members can be as close as they want to their loved ones.  An injection of anesthesia and sedation is first given under the skin (just like a vaccine), and after 5-15 minutes the pet will be deeply asleep under anesthesia. This medication is used for minor procedures or surgeries in veterinary medicine and puts the patient in an anesthetized pain free unaware state. Family members often sit around the pet, caressing and speaking to them as they fall asleep.  When everyone is ready the euthanasia drug is given into a vein or organ which stops the respiration, heart and brain function. 

Sunset and Palm Trees



Individual cremation with ashes returned in urn


Communal cremation with ashes spread at sea


Home Burial (owner provides)

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